INDEX Conferences & Exhibitions Org. Est. 应用

Saudi Int Dental Conference 1.1.1
It is the 33rd conference of the Saudi International DentalConference is a premier occasion intended for dental professionals,experts, and leaders providing an international forum thataddresses the key challenges and controversial topics in estheticdentistry, restorative dentistry, prosthodontics, implantdentistry, endodontics, digital dentistry, periodontics, pediatric,orthodontics, practice management, infection control, and parallelscientific sessions for dental assistants & dental hygienists.Introducing you to the app and its key features. My Agenda – Addsessions, events, and personal schedule items to your customizedschedule and get notification reminders. Speakers – Get speakerbios with photos and links to their meeting sessions. Sessions –Locate and add sessions, review abstracts, Exhibitors – Finddetailed exhibitor information and booth locations with animatedmapping. Exhibitor products – Exhibitors list and product displaywith NEW Like & Chat feature Push Notifications – Allows eventmanagement to send notifications at any time to the app users. Maps– Use the geolocator and site maps to quickly find locations.Search – Use the sophisticated search capability to easily findevents and course locations. Social Media – Easily connect tosocial media sites.
IFM - Intl. Family Medicine 1.0.86
The International Family Medicine Conference (IFM) is anannualevent organized by INDEX Conferences and Exhibitions – memberofINDEX Holding, in Dubai, UAE. This unique event will take placeonFebruary 24 – 26, 2020 in conjunction with the DubaiInternationalPharmaceuticals & Technologies Conference &Exhibition(DUPHAT) at the Dubai International Convention &ExhibitionCentre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. IFM is held underthepatronage of HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, DeputyRulerof Dubai Minister of Finance, UAE & President of DubaiHealthAuthority (DHA). IFM is supported by the Ministry of HealthandPrevention in the UAE, DHA, Global Scientific HealthcareAlliance,Health Ministers Council for the GCC, InternationalHospitalFederation, Anti-Smoking International Alliance, and DubaiSportsCouncil. IFM serves as the convergence point for:GeneralPractitioners, Public Health Administrators, CommunityHealthMedics, Preventive Medics, Nurses, Social Workers,Educators,Clinical Aids (Radiographers/ Physiotherapists),AlternativeMedicine, Scientists, Marketing Professionals,Researchers,Paramedical Professionals, Drug Developers, Dealers,Agents,Manufacturers, Distributors, Medical Representatives,ProductSpecialists, Key Decision Makers, & Academia.
APMEA Oncology 1.1
The 4th International BRCA Forum and 7th Asia PacificGastroenterology Cancer
DINC 2020 1.0
We will host the 6th Dubai International NutritionConferenceon 22nd -24th October at the Rashid MedicalLibraryAuditorium, Dubai Health Authority. Keeping in mindsocialdistancing and safety rules, we will only be able toaccommodate alimited number of attendees at the LIVE event. Themeeting will bepresented in a HYBRID format incorporating livetransmissions. Wewill be able to seamlessly host all our attendeesand colleaguesnear and far away who are not be able to travel. Theywill be ableto attend the conference virtually by using a laptop,desktop or amobile. 
Interaction between speakers, sponsors andattendees willbe facilitated virtually via our platform and fromthe comfort& safety of your homes. 
We trust you will be ableto join usfor a fruitful and lively interaction either in person orremotely
GSDA 1.6
The Global Scientific Dental Alliance (GSDA) is a non-political andnon-for-profit gathering of organisations and individuals committedto the promotion of oral health education through dialogue andnetworking. GSDA members are from all regions of the globe. GoalsGDSA aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas and informationrelated to continuing dental education programs and develop oralhealthcare updates and developments. Vision To facilitate andensure the continuous development of oral health for all, throughdialogue and alliances. Mission To promote and develop continuingeducation by providing the regions premier gathering for memberoral health professionals to meet and support the advancement ofthe profession. Objectives To highlight scientific issues and makerecommendations. To promote and advance the oral healthcare to theglobal dental community. To foster continuing dental education todental professionals through the support of the alliance. Toincrease dental networks with a common interest in dental educationand health. To strengthen the cooperation amongst the dentalassociations, societies, organisations and global dental industry.
FAHR Conference 1.2
Introducing Mobile App for FAHR Conference 2019, which is usefulforexhibitors, visitors, speakers & corporate partners. Thisappcontent gives updated information before, during and aftertheevent. FAHR Conference 2019 App consists of a comprehensive setofservices as below. . General Information . News & SocialMediaFeeds . Venue Information . Contact Information .ExhibitorCatalogue . Interactive Floor Plan . Sessions (Agenda) .Speakers& Bio's . Attendees Information Stay with us for more&updated information about our event.
Innovation Arabia 1.0.3
In its Fifteenth edition, Innovation Arabia, the Middle East’spioneering conference and exhibition will be held under thepatronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid AlMaktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, and President of Hamdan BinMohammed Smart University (HBMSU). The conference coincides withEXPO 2020 and contributes to Dubai as the hub for connecting mindsand creating the Future. As an application of its theme “InnovationEverywhere,” IA15 comprises three virtual conferences and a summitdedicated to showcasing the identified distinguished innovations.Each of the three one-day virtual conferences will cover innovationwithin one discipline, including: Innovation for Quality of DigitalServices Conference – November 23, 2021 Learning for SkillsConference – December 8, 2021 Innovation Systems for SustainabilityConference – January 25, 2022 The three conferences will havedistinguished keynote speeches, panel discussions, scientificpresentations sessions, webinars, social activities, andentrepreneurial pitches. The Innovation Arabia Summit will takeplace on February 14, 2022 featuring selected keynote speeches andawards ceremonies. Building on the partnership’s success betweenHamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University and Index Conferences andExhibitions, IA15 addresses contemporary issues in service quality,education for skills, and sustainability. It also explores theenormous potential of the Arab countries to accelerate the pace ofsocio-economic growth and development. The conference also helpsspread a culture of innovation throughout the world. InnovationArabia 15 will provide a platform for passionate communitiesaspiring to a new level of success for innovation. They will beable to assess the impact of innovation on organizations and draw aplan for the future expectations of the new generations. Join us incelebrating INNOVATION EVERYWHERE, starting from November 2021until February 2022. Introducing you to the app and its keyfeatures. My Agenda – Add sessions, events, and personal scheduleitems to your customized schedule and get notification reminders.Speakers – Get speaker bios with photos and links to their meetingsessions. Sessions – Locate and add sessions, review abstracts,Exhibitors – Find detailed exhibitor information and boothlocations with animated mapping. Exhibitor products – Exhibitorslist and product display with NEW Like & Chat feature PushNotifications – Allows event management to send notifications atany time to the app users. Maps – Use the geolocator and site mapsto quickly find locations. Search – Use the sophisticated searchcapability to easily find events and course locations. Social Media– Easily connect to social media sites.
INDEX Media 2.2
Located in the world’s most rapidly developing city, Dubai,INDEXMedia - a member of INDEX Holding, pours in fresh ideas anddynamicmarketing and communication solutions for your business,whileutilizing various media channels from Above the Line, BelowtheLine and Through the Line Strategies. Since 2002, INDEXMediasucceeded in building solid relationships with the country’smostprominent news agencies, journalists, and influencers. Our teamofmultinational creative professionals are equipped withalltechnical and innovative skills that guarantee deliveringyourmessage to the right audience. We believe in cultivatingcreativeideas and experiences that deliver world-class results,keeping usand our partners ahead of the curve. • Copyright © INDEXMedia2020. All rights reserved a member of INDEX Holding •TradeRepresentative Contact Information - Full name, Address, Phoneandemail
APBCS 1.0.3
With the endeavor to bring the Asia Pacific Breast CancerCareCommunities together the scientific and organizing committeeofAsia Pacific Breast Cancer Summit (APBCS) and their hostsocietiesin Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia haverelentlesslyput their efforts for last eight years in presenting toyou thebest practices, new researches and controversial discussionfromregional and international perspective by some of the bestfacultyto elevate knowledge in management of breast cancer. Withthe sameenthusiasm we welcome you to attend our 9th Edition of AsiaPacificBreast Cancer Summit to be held in Singapore from 9th -10thJanuary 2021. Through this edition we would like to addresssome ofthe hot topics on new medicine, genetic research, technologyandguidelines with insights from global and regional KeyOpinionleaders. The scientific committee would continue withthemuch-appreciated tumor board discussion with varied viewpoints.Wewould also like to bring to you notice our third yearofcollaboration with Saint Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium(SABCS)with highlights as Best of the SABCS We encourage yourkindparticipation through abstract submission and we are happytoinform you that three of the best abstracts will receivetravelgrant and complimentary registration for APBCS. We lookforward tomeeting you at APBCS 2021. Introducing you to the app andits keyfeatures. My Agenda – Add sessions, events, and personalscheduleitems to your customized schedule and get notificationreminders.Speakers – Get speaker bios with photos and links totheir meetingsessions. Sessions – Locate and add sessions, reviewabstracts,Exhibitors – Find detailed exhibitor information andboothlocations with animated mapping. Exhibitor products –Exhibitorslist and product display with NEW Like & Chat featurePushNotifications – Allows event management to send notificationsatany time to the app users. Maps – Use the geolocator and sitemapsto quickly find locations. Search – Use the sophisticatedsearchcapability to easily find events and course locations. SocialMedia– Easily connect to social media sites.
AEEDC Dubai 2021 3.2.9
The UAE International Dental Conference & Arab DentalExhibition– (AEEDC Dubai) is the largest dental event in theworld. AEEDCDubai is where all Dentists, Dental Specialists,Nurses, Assistants,Hygienists, Therapists, Technicians,Radiologists, Auxiliary/Staff,Students, Faculty/Staff, members ofDental Associations / Societies/ Institutions, MinistryRepresentatives, Affiliated Dental Events’Representatives,Manufacturers, Traders (Agents / Distributors /Suppliers / Dealers/ Retailers / Wholesalers) meet to learn more,network, and dobusiness. AEEDC Dubai scientific activities gobeyond the usualapproach to continuing education. With all itspre-conferencecourses, hands-on workshops, student competition,posterpresentations, awards, eminent keynote speakers and more,AEEDCDubai is actually an excellent opportunity for participants togoback to their practices as better dental professionalsandclinicians. They also gain valuable Continuing MedicalEducation(CME) points. Introducing you to the app and its keyfeatures. MyAgenda – Add sessions, events, and personal scheduleitems to yourcustomized schedule and get notification reminders.Speakers – Getspeaker bios with photos and links to their meetingsessions.Sessions – Locate and add sessions, review abstracts.Exhibitors –Find detailed exhibitor information and booth locationswithanimated mapping. Exhibitor products – Exhibitors list andproductdisplay with NEW Like & Chat feature Push Notifications–Allows event management to send notifications at any time totheapp users. Maps – Use the geolocator and site maps to quicklyfindlocations. Search – Use the sophisticated search capabilitytoeasily find events and course locations. Social Media –Easilyconnect to social media sites.
IFED 1.0.2
In its 12th edition, the World Congress of Esthetic Dentistrybringstogether the leading dentists and specialists from aroundthe worldwith the aim of discussing critical topics in variousbranches indentistry and highlighting the latest technologyadvancements. IFEDis a great contributor to the progress anddevelopment of educationin Esthetic Dentistry worldwide, whichhelps the whole dentistrycommunity to gather once again and findopportunities to adapt tothe changes in dentistry and the way itis delivered to patients.Introducing you to the app and its keyfeatures. My Agenda – Addsessions, events, and personal scheduleitems to your customizedschedule and get notification reminders.Speakers – Get speaker bioswith photos and links to their meetingsessions. Sessions – Locateand add sessions, review abstracts,Exhibitors – Find detailedexhibitor information and boothlocations with animated mapping.Exhibitor products – Exhibitorslist and product display with NEWLike & Chat feature PushNotifications – Allows event managementto send notifications atany time to the app users. Maps – Use thegeolocator and site mapsto quickly find locations. Search – Use thesophisticated searchcapability to easily find events and courselocations. Social Media– Easily connect to social media sites.
Dubai Otology 1.0.3
Dubai Otology Conference & Exhibition is the region’sonlyspecialized otology & neurotology event in the regionwithspecific focus to highlight the latest developments in SkullBase,Facial Nerve Disorders, Ossiculoplasty, Tympanoplasty,StapesSurgery, Mastoid Surgery, Neurotology, Implant Surgery andImaging.Dubai Otology has gained support from variousinternationalgoverning bodies and companies. The exhibition areadisplayedproven and most recent technological advances in the fieldofOtology, Neurotology and Skull Base Surgery. Dubai Otologyprovidescompanies the ultimate chance to network with over 500delegatesand showcase their up to date products and services.Introducingyou to the app and its key features. My Agenda – Addsessions,events, and personal schedule items to your customizedschedule andget notification reminders. Speakers – Get speaker bioswith photosand links to their meeting sessions. Sessions – Locateand addsessions, review abstracts, Exhibitors – Find detailedexhibitorinformation and booth locations with animated mapping.Exhibitorproducts – Exhibitors list and product display with NEWLike &Chat feature Push Notifications – Allows event managementto sendnotifications at any time to the app users. Maps – Usethegeolocator and site maps to quickly find locations. Search –Usethe sophisticated search capability to easily find eventsandcourse locations. Social Media – Easily connect to socialmediasites.
Dubai Intl. Content Market 1.0.0
Dubai International Content Market, MENA’s biggest gatheringofmedia professionals will be held on the 24TH & 25TH ofNovember2021 at Jumeirah Beach Hotel Conference Centre.
Asia Derma 1.0.3
The unique Online Asia-Pacific Dermatology and AestheticConferencewhere learning has no boundaries. Introducing you to theapp andits key features. My Agenda – Add sessions, events, andpersonalschedule items to your customized schedule and getnotificationreminders. Speakers – Get speaker bios with photos andlinks totheir meeting sessions. Sessions – Locate and add sessions,reviewabstracts. Exhibitors – Find detailed exhibitor informationandbooth locations with animated mapping. Exhibitor products–Exhibitors list and product display with NEW Like &Chatfeature Push Notifications – Allows event management tosendnotifications at any time to the app users. Maps – Usethegeolocator and site maps to quickly find locations. Search –Usethe sophisticated search capability to easily find eventsandcourse locations. Social Media – Easily connect to socialmediasites.
TGFM 1.0.2
The Global Franchise Market (TGFM) is the leading franchisingeventin the Middle East and a dedicated platform forfranchisors/brandsto connect with investors and franchisees seekingfor developmentswithin MEA region. Introducing you to the app andits key features.My Agenda – Add sessions, events, and personalschedule items toyour customized schedule and get notificationreminders. Speakers –Get speaker bios with photos and links totheir meeting sessions.Sessions – Locate and add sessions, reviewabstracts, Exhibitors –Find detailed exhibitor information andbooth locations withanimated mapping. Exhibitor products –Exhibitors list and productdisplay with NEW Like & Chat featurePush Notifications –Allows event management to send notificationsat any time to theapp users. Maps – Use the geolocator and sitemaps to quickly findlocations. Search – Use the sophisticatedsearch capability toeasily find events and course locations. SocialMedia – Easilyconnect to social media sites.
Interdisciplinary Urology Care 1.0.1
The first edition of interdisciplinary urology careconsortium(iucc) is scheduled to be held on the 9-10 april 2021 inrafflesdubai, wafi mall, dubai. Under the theme transcendingtherapies,driving technologies, this inaugural event will focus ontheprotective of four pillars of urology I.E. Andrology,gynecologyand oncology. Introducing you to the app and its keyfeatures. MyAgenda – Add sessions, events, and personal scheduleitems to yourcustomized schedule and get notification reminders.Speakers – Getspeaker bios with photos and links to their meetingsessions.Sessions – Locate and add sessions, review abstracts.Exhibitors –Find detailed exhibitor information and booth locationswithanimated mapping. Exhibitor products – Exhibitors list andproductdisplay with NEW Like & Chat feature Push Notifications–Allows event management to send notifications at any time totheapp users. Maps – Use the geolocator and site maps to quicklyfindlocations. Search – Use the sophisticated search capabilitytoeasily find events and course locations. Social Media –Easilyconnect to social media sites.
EIOC 1.0.3
EIOC 2021 Schedule to be held from 21-23 October, 2021atIntercontinental Festival City in Dubai, UAE and will hostglobalexperts who will conduct dedicated sessions addressing themostcurrent topics in Bio Similars, Immuno Oncology, MolecularTumorsand 14 other sub-specialities ranging from Nursing to ImaginginOncology Care. The landscape for Oncology Care is changing atarapid pace. With EIOC we envision this platform be a meetinggroundfor global and regional experts to meet for better learningsandtake away valuable experiences to their workplace. EIOCwhichstands for Excellence in Oncology Care is a platform for notjustone cancer specialty but a holistic approach to 14 subtherapieswithin Oncology. The conference will be attended byhealthprofessionals and researchers from all over the globe,includingprimary care physicians, specialist physicians,laboratoryresearchers, nurses and genetic counsellors who areinterested infurthering their knowledge in the field of oncology.Introducingyou to the app and its key features. My Agenda – Addsessions,events, and personal schedule items to your customizedschedule andget notification reminders. Speakers – Get speaker bioswith photosand links to their meeting sessions. Sessions – Locateand addsessions, review abstracts, Exhibitors – Find detailedexhibitorinformation and booth locations with animated mapping.Exhibitorproducts – Exhibitors list and product display with NEWLike &Chat feature Push Notifications – Allows event managementto sendnotifications at any time to the app users. Search – Usethesophisticated search capability to easily find events andcourselocations.
Makkah Dental 1.0.94
Makkah Dental Conference has a comprehensive scientific agendathatfocuses on the latest topics in the oral and dental fields.Theevent also offers a number of training programs and workshopsthattackles the latest developments
Dubai Derma 1.1.7
The Dubai World Dermatology and Laser Conference & Exhibition–Dubai Derma, has clearly emerged as the largest scientificskincaregathering in the Middle East, North Africa & theIndianSubcontinent region dedicated to dermatology, skincare, andlasers.The 21st edition of Dubai Derma will take place from 27thFebruary-1st March 2022 at the Dubai World Trade Centre. Theconferencefeatures a comprehensive agenda on key trending topics intheaspect of medical, surgical, cosmetic and aestheticdermatology& laser; and presents a number of scientificlectures, courses,case studies, workshops and live demonstrationsby leading experts,surgeons and specialists in the dermatologyindustry from acrossthe world. Running parallel to the conference,a specializedexhibition offers leading skincare brands andcompanies in theindustry a great platform to showcase and promotetheirstate-of-the-art equipment, machines, and products.Introducing youto the app and its key features. My Agenda – Addsessions, events,and personal schedule items to your customizedschedule and getnotification reminders. Speakers – Get speaker bioswith photos andlinks to their meeting sessions. Sessions – Locateand addsessions, review abstracts. Exhibitors – Find detailedexhibitorinformation and booth locations with animated mapping.Exhibitorproducts – Exhibitors list and product display with NEWLike &Chat feature Push Notifications – Allows event managementto sendnotifications at any time to the app users. Maps – Usethegeolocator and site maps to quickly find locations. Search –Usethe sophisticated search capability to easily find eventsandcourse locations. Social Media – Easily connect to socialmediasites.
Annual Radiology Meeting (ARM) 1.0.6
The Annual Radiology Meeting in UAE (ARM), is a highlyspecializedevent dedicated to professionals in the field ofRadiology.Bringing together over 1000+ experts, radiologistsandradiographers from the region and the world, it iswidelyrecognized as “the premier radiology event” in the MENARegion.Running parallel to the conference, ARM exhibition hostsover 60participating brands in the field of radiology anddiagnosticimaging to highlight their cutting-edge equipment andmost updatedmedical devices used in the field. Annual RadiologyMeeting in theUAE is organized by INDEX Conferences &Exhibitions, member ofINDEX Holding, in partnership with theRadiology Society of theEmirates and Radiographers Society of theEmirates. Introducing youto the app and its key features. My Agenda– Add sessions, events,and personal schedule items to yourcustomized schedule and getnotification reminders. Speakers – Getspeaker bios with photos andlinks to their meeting sessions.Sessions – Locate and addsessions, review abstracts, Exhibitors –Find detailed exhibitorinformation and booth locations withanimated mapping. Exhibitorproducts – Exhibitors list and productdisplay with NEW Like &Chat feature Push Notifications – Allowsevent management to sendnotifications at any time to the app users.Search – Use thesophisticated search capability to easily findevents and courselocations. Social Media – Easily connect to socialmedia sites.
AEEDC Cairo Conference & Exhibition 1.0.0
AEEDC Cairo Conference and Exhibition – a highlyspecializedscientific and educational dental event dedicated todentistryprofessionals in Egypt and the wider MENA region. The3-day dentalgathering, making its debut in Egypt this year offers auniqueplatform where leading dentists, surgeons, specialists andexpertsin various fields of dentistry from across the globe, willdirecttheir attention towards the most important issues andchallengesfacing dentists in the region. Mark your calendars from12th to the14th of December, 2019 and take part in this event heldat RoyalMaxim Palace Kempinski Cairo. Introducing you to the appand itskey features. My Agenda – Add sessions, events, andpersonalschedule items to your customized schedule and getnotificationreminders. Speakers – Get speaker bios with photos andlinks totheir meeting sessions. Sessions – Locate and add sessions,reviewabstracts, Exhibitors – Find detailed exhibitor informationandbooth locations with animated mapping. Exhibitor products–Exhibitors list and product display with NEW Like &Chatfeature Push Notifications – Allows event management tosendnotifications at any time to the app users. Maps – Usethegeolocator and site maps to quickly find locations. Search –Usethe sophisticated search capability to easily find eventsandcourse locations. Social Media – Easily connect to socialmediasites.
DINC 2021 1.0.3
We will host the 7th Annual Dubai International NutritionCongress(DINC) 2021 scheduled to be held from the 4th- 6th November2021 atthe Ritz Carlton DIFC, Dubai, UAE. Keeping in mindsocialdistancing and safety rules, we will only be able toaccommodate alimited number of attendees at the LIVE event. Themeeting will bepresented in a HYBRID format incorporating livetransmissions. Wewill be able to seamlessly host all our attendeesand colleaguesnear and far away who are not be able to travel. Theywill be ableto attend the conference virtually by using a laptop,desktop or amobile. Interaction between speakers, sponsors andattendees willbe facilitated virtually via our platform and fromthe comfort& safety of your homes. We trust you will be able tojoin usfor a fruitful and lively interaction either in person orremotely.Introducing you to the app and its key features. My Agenda– Addsessions, events, and personal schedule items to yourcustomizedschedule and get notification reminders. Speakers – Getspeakerbios with photos and links to their meeting sessions.Sessions –Locate and add sessions, review abstracts, Exhibitors –Finddetailed exhibitor information and booth locations withanimatedmapping. Exhibitor products – Exhibitors list and productdisplaywith NEW Like & Chat feature Push Notifications – Allowseventmanagement to send notifications at any time to the appusers.Search – Use the sophisticated search capability to easilyfindevents and course locations. Social Media – Easily connecttosocial media sites.
DUPHAT 2022 1.1.14
DUPHAT has grown tremendously since our modest beginnings backin1995 and hasquickly established itself as the unique Pharmaeventfor the Middle East and NorthAfrica markets with some of thetop100 global Pharma companies branding it as the‘must-attend’eventfor the Pharmaceutical industry in the region. DUPHAT has overtheyears attracted pharmaceutical companies from across theglobeandsupport the quickly expanding industry in the region. After22years of success, wehave dedicated in 2017 a specializedexhibitionfor the manufacturing sector: DUPHAT-TECH. Duphat iscommitted toproviding complete solutions to the pharmaceuticalindustry, byrepresenting the entire Pharma value Chain in one placewith itsthree distinct segments. DUPHAT showcases downstreamactivitiesfrom finished formulations-both patented & genericsDUPHATOTC-Improvement in lifestyle has led to increase inconsumption ofhealth-related consumer products which areincreasingly sold inpharmacies. Non-Prescribed medicines,Nutrition, Dermo-CosmeticProducts, Mother & Baby Products, OralHealthcare, personalhygiene are some of the areas that are gainingmarket share byDUPHAT supports this sector. DUPHAT TECH whichbrings togetherupstream and midstream pharmaceutical manufacturerfrom R&Dprocessing and packaging machineries, ingredients/APIs,qualitycontrol to medical coding, labeling storage & logistics.DUPHATThus, endeavors to provide a complete solutions to thepharmaindustry from manufacture to supply to the end consumer.
Emirates 2022 WSE 1.0.1
The Emirates 2022 World Stamp Exhibition aims to showcaseandpromote the world of philately, to develop cultural exchangeandmutual relations.
Aqdar World Summit 1.0.3
Aqdar World Summit is a global platform for leaders,decisionmakers, experts, specialists and leading companies fromaround theworld to gather, discuss and debate on crucial issuesofinternational importance and help empower communities to buildaworld of security, tolerance, peace and coexistence. AqdarWorldSummit is one of the initiatives of Khalifa EmpowermentProgramthat aims to discuss local and global issues related toempowermentof societies in their human, cultural and intellectualdimensionswhile also providing a bright and prosperous future forindividualsand ensure security, stability and prosperity incommunities acrossthe globe. The key slogan of Aqdar World Summitentitled:“Nourishing Minds, Flourishing Nations” is aimed atbuilding thecapabilities of communities in their diverse cultures,where theUAE represents a part of this global diversity. AqdarWorld Summitin its 4th edition will be held under the theme“Positive GlobalCitizenship – Empowerment of Sustainable InvestmentOpportunities”and will be working with leading governments andinstitutions toenhance the knowledge of communities and providethem with a visionthat stems from the heart of the Arab cultureembodying the spiritof tolerance, brotherhood, peace and stabilityanywhere in theworld. Objectives: -Enhancing the soft powers of theUnited ArabicEmirates -Developing sustainable rich partnershipsbetweengovernments and international organizations -Spreadingtheprinciples of the founder “Zayed” which consists ofpeace,tolerance and co-existence -Providing a work environmenttogenerate opportunities for investment, growth, innovationandcooperation between countries and individuals Aqdar Lab Everyyear,Aqdar World Summit unites communities in an aim toempower,educate, and communicate. This year, and under the themeof‘Positive Global Citizenship: Empowerment of SustainableInvestmentOpportunities’, conferences will take a new shape, as webringtogether people of all ages, cultures, backgrounds andinterests,at ‘Aqdar Lab’. ‘Aqdar Lab’ is a one-of-a-kind event thatcombinesvarious activities which include ‘Aqdar Bootcamp’, adynamicstart-up accelerator, ‘Aqdar Roots’, a stage dedicated tochildrento share their views on positive citizenship, and ‘AqdarArt’,which is a program aimed at empowering young artists aroundtheworld. ‘Aqdar lab’ activities will be organized and executedinpartnership with some of the most prominent organizations intheworld. Throughout the three days of the event, visitors willgetthe chance to be immersed in talent, channel their creativity,andcome together as one community and work towards achievingpositivecitizenship. INDEX Talks Human connection is powerfulbeyondmeasure, and is an essential element of our journey. ‘INDEXTalks’,powered by INDEX Media, decided to take connection to thenextlevel, and hide an essential element of communication,enablingother elements to shine! ‘INDEX Talks’ will featurespeakers butconceal their identities, enabling them to share thestories oftheir successes and failures, and the stories that makethem whothey are today freely. Aqdar Talks Platform SpecializedWorkshopswill be organized parallel to the conference over a periodof 3days, providing a platform to exchange ideas and bestpracticesthat attract a number of leaders, decision-makers, expertsandinternational consultants to offer their insights onvariouspressing current issues. Global Exhibition ComplementingAqdar Laband Aqdar Talks Platform, a -3day exhibition will beorganized toprovide a platform for local and internationalorganizations fromprivate and public sectors to showcase theirproducts, services,solutions, initiatives and projects in line withthe latestinnovations and sustainable development for thesocieties.
EPSC 2021 1.0.4
THE 6TH EDITION OF THE EMIRATES PLASTIC SURGERY CONGRESS,(EPSC),WILL BE HELD ON 27TH – 29TH MAY, 2021 AT INTERCONTINENTALFESTIVALCITY IN DUBAI. The 3-day hybrid premier plastic surgeryevent,running under the theme ‘Science and Art in the field ofPlastic,Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery’, will shed new lighton thelatest advances, trends and key breakthroughs in thishighlyevolving field. Emirates Plastic Surgery Congress (EPSC) 2021willpresent a rich comprehensive agenda featuring scientificlectureson key trending topics including plastic, aestheticandreconstructive surgery and peer reviewed research papersshowcasethe latest research and updated knowledge about new studiesinplastic surgery. EPSC 2021 will feature a LIVE exhibitionarea,plenary sessions, workshop and will combine a “LIVE”in-personevent with a virtual online component. Introducing you tothe appand its key features. My Agenda – Add sessions, events,andpersonal schedule items to your customized schedule andgetnotification reminders. Speakers – Get speaker bios with photosandlinks to their meeting sessions. Sessions – Locate andaddsessions, review abstracts, Exhibitors – Find detailedexhibitorinformation and booth locations with animated mapping.Exhibitorproducts – Exhibitors list and product display with NEWLike &Chat feature Push Notifications – Allows event managementto sendnotifications at any time to the app users. Maps – Usethegeolocator and site maps to quickly find locations. Search –Usethe sophisticated search capability to easily find eventsandcourse locations. Social Media – Easily connect to socialmediasites.
Premier event for Primary Healthcare Professionals in Dubai
Healthcare Future Summit 2020 1.0
The first edition of Healthcare Future Summit
INT Aesthetic Dental Conf IADC 1.0.0
A highly specialized dental event for dentistry pros in AbuDhabi,UAE.
BPOF | APGCS | YWF 1.0.18
Ultimate app for the BPOF/iBRCAf, APGCS, and YWF, way youexperienceconferences
RHD Congress 1.0.2
The World Congress on Rheumatic Heart Disease
Emirates Oncology Conference 1.0.1
Emirates Oncology Conference is one of the largest health-related